2 Samuel 24:18
Imagine a net of prayer over the North Texas region....
One of the most iconic images of the Dallas skyline is Reunion Tower. Built in 1975, it is an icosahedron that creates 259 intersections for individual lights. It was built to withstand storms with winds up to 125 miles an hour and Its foundation has 64 concrete legs. For North Texas Prays, it has become a symbol of what God is wanting to do in prayer throughout this region. We see the points of light on this iconic dome as a picture of what God wants to do in this region: create connections of "light" throughout the prayer movement that shine brightly in the night sky.
In connection to this image of Reunion Tower, 2 Samuel 24 is the well known story of David buying the threshing floor to build an altar. In a time of desperation, David took responsibility for his own sin and declared to Aruanah, " 'I insist on paying you for it. I will not sacrifice to the Lord my God burnt offerings that cost me nothing.' So David bought the threshing floor..." (2 Samuel 24:24-25). The Lord is speaking so clearly to us in this season that it is imperative to have built the altar of prayer in our personal and community lives. Established places of prayer in homes, churches, Houses of Prayer and regions will be key connection points for the body of Christ.