Project 254
Project 254
The state of Texas has 254 counties, more than double any other state in the nation. What would it look like if all 254 counties were represented on April 9 in Brady, Tx for a day of repentance, worship, and prayer? As in the days of Nehemiah, when there was an accounting of the families of Israel in rebuilding the wall, what would it mean to have an accounting of the counties of Texas to join in unified prayer asking God to send revival and awakening to Texas? Truly unified prayer is good soil for revival.
With this in mind, we are asking for representatives from all 254 counties to join us in the field in Brady, TX. With unified prayer and hearts, we are going to the heart of Texas to ask God to do what only He can do in our state.
We are also asking representatives to bring soil from their county. Why soil? One, we believe unified prayer is good soil for revival. Two, it is a tangible reminder that we are asking people to stand, worship, and repent in the field. Hosea 10:12 says, “Sow righteousness for yourselves, reap steadfast love, break up your fallow ground, for it is time to seek the Lord, that he may come and rain righteousness on you.”
Finally, we believe that revival and awakening in the church is needed for the harvest that is coming. Once again, we believe prayer at the heart is literally preparing the ground for the harvest to come. This is not about big platforms, big names, or big agendas. This is about the people of God coming together in prayer. With expectant hearts, we are believing for God to send revival and awakening not only to our state but to the nation.